Challenger Sports

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Challenger Sports is an important part of KYS. The Challenger baseball program was organized in April 1997, offering a recreational opportunity for all children with disabilities. Challenger started with 4 teams and about 30 children.  Since then, the league has expanded to 8 teams (4 for younger children and 4 for older players) with a roster of 80-100 children per year.

There is no charge to the participants of the Challenger League, and the program is funded mainly through community support and contributions. KYS has been instrumental in keeping this program going by allowing the Challenger program to use its playing fields. KYS is honored to host the kids and loves providing a good old-fashioned ballpark hot dog dinner after each game.  Each child receives a T-shirt, cap, and a trophy at the end-of-the-year cookout. Challenger programs also provide an excellent network for parents to exchange information and ideas.

The Challenger organization has expanded to include golf in the summer, bowling in the fall, and basketball in the winter. These programs help keep children active and involved throughout the year. For more information, contact Becky at